Principal Investigator
Chen Li
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Faculty Member, Laboratory for Computational Sensing & Robotics (LCSR)
Secondary Appointment, Center for Functional Anatomy and Evolution (FAE)
Johns Hopkins University
x = firstname.lastname
• Miller Fellow, University of California, Berkeley, 2012-2015
• Ph.D. Physics, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2011
• B.S. Physics, Peking University, China, 2005
• Awards & Honors: BYI, ARO YIP, BWF CASI, Miller, Full list
• Paper Awards: 1 Best Paper (Adv Rob); 2 Highlight Papers (Bioinsp Biom, IROS); 2 Best Student Papers (RSS, SICB DCB), 1 Outstanding Locomotion Paper finalist (ICRA), 6 Best Student Paper finalists (SICB DCB)
• Google scholar, Youtube channel, ORCID, arXiv, Research Gate, GitHub, Linkedin, Twitter
• Goals for students, Mentee Achievements, Mentee Awards
• Research Statement, Mentoring & Teaching Statement, Service Statement
Master Students
Xiyuan Wang
ME, 09/2023 - Present
B.S ME 2023, HFUT, China
x = xwang389
Siyuan Sun 
x = ssun61
Wenxuan Zheng 
x = wzheng40
Pucheng Shao 
x = pshao7
Yuyang Zhao
x = yzhao230
Zitong Wei 
x = zwei32
Stefan Hustrulid 
x = shustru1
Qingyuan Cao 
x = qcao19
Undergraduate Students
Kyungmo Choi 
x = kchoi30
Duc Le
ME, 8/2024-present
x = dle24
Stella Wettan
ME, 1/2025-present
x = swettan1
Sophia Phelan
ME, 1/2025-present
x = sphelan3
Kyle Klamka
ME, 1/2025-present
x = kklamka1
Gwenyth Tran
EE, 2/2025-present
x = gtran10
Souham Tekriwal
BME, 2/2025-present
x = stekriw2
High School Students
Abdulla Ubaydullaev
x = aubaydu1
Divya Ramesh, PhD 2019-2024
Now postdoc at Harvard with George Lauder
Dissertation: Non-legged locomotion on complex 3-D terrain and wet flowable substrates PDF
Yaqing Wang, PhD 2019-2024
Now postdoc at Georgia Tech with Simon Sponberg
Dissertation: Biological and robotic studies towards intelligent physical interaction with complex terrain PDF
Qihan Xuan, PhD 2017-2024
Now System Analyst at Intuitive Surgical
Dissertation: Physics modeling of strenuous ground self-righting and cluttered large obstacle traversal PDF
Qiyuan Fu, PhD 2017-2023
Now postdoc at EPFL with Auke Ijspeert
Dissertation: Snake and snake robot locomotion in complex 3-D terrain PDF
Ratan Othayoth, PhD 2016-2021
Now postdoc at HHMI Janelia Research Campus with Rob Johnson
Dissertation: Kinetic energy fluctuation-driven locomotor transitions on potential energy landscapes of beam obstacle traversal and ground self-righting PDF
Sean Gart, postdoc 2016-2018
Now Research Scientist at Army Research Lab, Autonomous Systems Division (permanent position)
For more, see CV