Google scholar, Youtube channel, ORCID, arXiv, Research Gate
- My group member: Postdoc, PhD, Master, Undergraduate, High School
- * Corresponding author
- † Equal contribution
- SICB – Society for Integrative & Comparative Biology Annual Meeting
- APS – American Physical Society March Meeting
- SEB – Society for Experimental Biology Annual Conference
- DW – Dynamic Walking Annual Conference
- AMAM – International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines
- RSS – Robotics: Science & Systems Conference
- DFD – American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics Annual Meeting
- Lin EH, Zhou Y, Hung H-Y, Moon L, Gordus A, Li C, Robophysical modeling explains why spiders crouch legs when sensing prey on a web, APS, Anaheim, CA, talk, 3/2025, Abstract (planned)
- Sun S, Lin EH, Brown N, Hung H-Y, Gordus A, Mueller J, Li C, Creating a biologically accurate spider robot to study active vibration sensing, APS, Anaheim, CA, talk, 3/2025, Abstract (planned)
- Wang X, Wang Y, Li C, Towards Langevin equations of locomotor-obstacle interaction dynamics, APS, Anaheim, CA, talk, 3/2025, Abstract (planned)
- Wang Y, Wang X, *Li C, A potential energy landscape-based, bio-inspired control algorithm to traverse cluttered obstacles, SICB, Atlanta, GA, talk, 1/2025, Abstract
- Ramesh D, Zhang H, Kim D, Nath A, Dai N, Collum D, Ubaydullaev A, Pollard C, Sadalgekar G, *Li C, Use of body lifting by elongate amphibious fishes to move on mud, SICB, Atlanta, GA, talk, 1/2025, Abstract
- Lin EH, Zhou Y, Hung HY, Moon L, Gordus A, *Li C, Why spiders dynamically crouch their legs on webs to sense prey—evidence from robophysical modeling, SICB, Atlanta, GA, talk, 1/2025, Abstract
- Sadalgekar G, Ramesh D, *Li C, Using robophysical models to study the performance landscape of terrestrial fish locomotion, SICB, Atlanta, GA, talk, 1/2025, Abstract
- Wang Y, Xu L, *Li C, A robophysical study of active force sensing for least-resistance traversal of cluttered large obstacles, APS, Minneapolis, MN, talk, 3/2024, Abstract
- Ramesh D, Sadalgekar G, Zhang H, Tan J, Kim D, Nath A, Fu Q, Souders Z, An L, *Li C, Comparative biological and robophysical study of amphibious fishes moving on mud of variable strength, APS, Minneapolis, MN, talk, 3/2024, Abstract
- Lin EH, Zhou Y, Moon L, Gordus A, *Li C, Robophysical modeling of spider vibration sensing of prey on orb webs, APS, Minneapolis, MN, talk, 3/2024, Abstract
- Zhou Z, Wang Y, Hawkes E, *Li C, Rubble traversal experiments of a vine robot, APS, Minneapolis, MN, talk, 3/2024, Abstract
- Choi K, Kandukiri S, Wang Y, Chen Y, *Li C, Creating a robophysical model to study how malaria infiltrates human skin, APS, Minneapolis, MN, talk, 3/2024, Abstract
- Lin EH, Zhou Y, Gordus A, *Li C, Robophysical modeling of spider vibration sensing of prey on orb webs, SICB, Seattle, WA, talk, 1/2024, Abstract
- Yu X, Jiang Z, Liu Q, Wang Y, *Li C, Direct pouncing behavior of jumping spiders Phidippus regius in web invasion, SICB, Seattle, WA, talk, 1/2024, Abstract
- Wang Y, Othayoth R, *Li C, Sensing and controlling physical interaction to traverse cluttered obstacles, Janelia Biomechanical Models Conference, Ashburn, VA, poster, 9/2023, Abstract
- Wang Y, *Li C, Force sensing can help robots reconstruct potential energy landscape and guide locomotor transitions to traverse large obstacles, APS, Las Vegas, NV, talk, 3/2023, Abstract
- Ramesh D, Sadalgekar G, Fu Q, Rao J, *Li C, Biological and robophysical experiments of terrestrial fish locomotion on mud of controlled, variable strength, APS, Las Vegas, NV, talk, 3/2023, Abstract
- Lin EH, Zhou Y, Moon L, Gordus A, *Li C, Robophysical modeling of dynamic posture modulation of vibration sensing in orb weaving spiders, APS, Las Vegas, NV, talk, 3/2023, Abstract
- Ramesh D, Fu Q, Sadalgekar G, Souders Z, Tan J, Moon L, Rao J, Urban M, Ivanova M, Mehta KK, An L, *Li C, Studying terrestrial fish locomotion on wet deformable substrates, SICB, Austin, TX, talk, 1/2023, Abstract
- Sadalgekar G, Xuan Q, Fu Q, *Li C, Template-level robophysical models for studying sustained terrestrial locomotion of amphibious fishes, SICB, Austin, TX, talk, 1/2023, Abstract
- Lin EH, Zhou Y, Moon L, Gordus A, *Li C, Robophysical modeling of spider vibration sensing of prey on orb webs, SICB, Austin, TX, talk, 1/2023, Abstract
- *Li C, Lewis K, Why we need alternative ground robots to traverse sandy and rocky extraterrestrial terrain, and how we can progress towards them, International Society for Terrain-Vehicle Systems Asian-Pacific Regional Conference, virtual, talk, 9/2022, Abstract
- †Lin EH, †Zhou Y, Gordus A, *Li C, Robophysical and simulation modeling of how leg posture affects vibration sensing in orb weaving spiders, APS, Chicago, IL, talk, 3/2022, Abstract
- Mi J, Wang Y, *Li C, A multi-legged robot traverses heterogeneous 3-D terrain via locomotor transitions, APS, Chicago, IL, talk, 3/2022, Abstract
- Xuan Q, Wang Y, *Li C, Force sensing facilitates traversal in cluttered beams with interaction, APS, Chicago, IL, talk, 3/2022, Abstract
- Fu Q, *Li C, Snake robot uses vertical bending with force feedback control to traverse large obstacles, APS, Chicago, IL, talk, 3/2022, Abstract
- Ramesh D, Fu Q, *Li C, Studying force generation and control in snakes using a sensorized robot, APS, Chicago, IL, talk, 3/2022, Abstract
- Zhang Y, Xuan Q, Fu Q, *Li C, Simulation of snakes using vertical body bending to traverse terrain with large height variation, APS, Chicago, IL, talk, 3/2022, Abstract
- Zhang Y, Xuan Q, *Li C, Simulation of snakes traversing a wedge obstacle using vertical body bending, SICB, Phoenix, AZ, talk, 1/2022, Abstract
- Fu Q, *Li C, Robotic snake traversing large obstacles using vertical bending with contact force feedback, SICB, Phoenix, AZ, talk, 1/2022, Abstract
- Ramesh D, Fu Q, *Li C, A snake robot to study force generation and control of limbless locomotion in 3-D terrain, SICB, virtual, talk, 1/2022, Abstract
- Xuan Q, Wang Y, *Li C, Force sensing helps differentiate stiff and flimsy beam obstacles and facilitates traversal, SICB, virtual, talk, 1/2022, Abstract
- Mi J, Wang Y, *Li C, A cockroach-inspired legged robot to traverse multiple types of large obstacles, SICB, virtual, talk, 1/2022, Abstract
- Othayoth R, Xuan Q, Wang Y, *Li C, Locomotor transitions in complex 3-D terrain, SEB, virtual, talk, 7/2021, Abstract
- Othayoth R, *Li C, Cockroaches use wings and legs together to better self-right on the ground, SEB, virtual, talk, 7/2021, Abstract
- Wang Y, Othayoth R, *Li C, How cockroaches adjust body and legs to traverse cluttered beam obstacles, SEB, virtual, talk, 7/2021, Abstract
- Xuan Q, *Li C, Coordination between wings and legs helps cockroach to self-right on the ground, SEB, virtual, talk, 7/2021, Abstract
- Fu Q, Astley HC, *Li C, Snakes and snake robots traversing large, smooth obstacles, SEB, virtual, talk, 7/2021, Abstract
- Othayoth R, Xuan Q, Wang Y, *Li C, Principles of multi-legged locomotor transitions in complex 3-D terrain, AMAM, virtual, poster, 6/2021, Abstract
- Othayoth R, *Li C, Cockroaches open wings and flail legs to self-right on the ground, AMAM, virtual, poster, 6/2021, Abstract
- Wang Y, Othayoth R, *Li C, Insects adjust body and appendages to traverse cluttered obstacles, AMAM, virtual, poster, 6/2021, Abstract
- Xuan Q, *Li C, Using bio-inspired physical interaction to plan and control robots to traverse cluttered large obstacles, AMAM, virtual, poster, 6/2021, Abstract
- Fu Q, Astley HC, *Li C, Snakes traversing rubble-like terrain, AMAM, virtual, poster, 6/2021, Abstract
- Ramesh D, Fu Q, Wang K, Wang Y, Othayoth R, *Li C, Development of a sensorized snake robot to study limbless locomotion in complex 3-D terrain, AMAM, virtual, poster, 6/2021, Abstract
- Othayoth R, *Li C, Co-opting wings and legs to self-right on ground, DW, virtual, talk, 5/2021, Abstract
- Wang Y, Othayoth R, *Li C, Insects adjust body and appendages to traverse cluttered obstacles, DW, virtual, talk, 5/2021, Abstract
- Xuan Q, *Li C, Sensing physical interaction to better traverse cluttered obstacles, DW, virtual, talk, 5/2021, Abstract
- Othayoth R, Fancois E, *Li C, Measuring large obstacle traversal over large spatiotemporal scales, APS, virtual, talk, 3/2021, Abstract
- Othayoth R, *Li C, Wing opening and leg flailing together facilitates strenuous self-righting on the ground, APS, virtual, talk, 3/2021, Abstract
- Wang Y, Othayoth R, *Li C, A robophysical model to study physical sensing of obstacles in legged traversal of complex 3-D, APS, virtual, talk, 3/2021, Abstract
- Xuan Q, *Li C, A potential energy landscape based dynamic model of locomotion in complex 3-D terrain, APS, virtual, talk, 3/2021, Abstract
- Zheng B, Xuan Q, *Li C, Testing whether potential energy landscape can predict stochastic obstacle traversal, APS, virtual, talk, 3/2021, Abstract
- Fu Q, Astley HC, *Li C, How snakes traverse large obstacles in complex 3-D terrain, APS, virtual, talk, 3/2021, Abstract
- Ramesh D, Fu Q, Wang K, Othayoth R, *Li C, A sensorized robot to study physical interaction in limbless locomotion in complex 3-D terrain, APS, virtual, talk, 3/2021, Abstract
- Othayoth R, Fancois E, *Li C, Large spatiotemporal scale measurement of cockroach traversal of large obstacles, SICB, virtual, talk, 1/2021, Abstract
- Othayoth R, *Li C, Simultaneous wing opening and leg flailing enables strenuous ground self-righting in cockroaches, SICB, virtual, talk, 1/2021, Abstract
- Wang Y, Othayoth R, *Li C, Uncovering the role of head flexion during beam obstacle traversal of cockroaches, SICB, virtual, talk, 1/2021, Abstract
- Xuan Q, *Li C, An energy landscape based dynamic model to simulate locomotion in complex 3-D terrain, SICB, virtual, talk, 1/2021, Abstract
- Zheng B, Xuan Q, *Li C, Stochastic dynamics model statistically predicts beam obstacle traversal, SICB, virtual, talk, 1/2021, Abstract
- Fu Q, Astley HC, *Li C, Snakes traversing complex 3-D terrain, SICB, virtual, talk, Abstract
- Ramesh D, Fu Q, Wang K, Othayoth R, *Li C, A sensorized robophysical model to study snake locomotion in complex 3-D terrain, SICB, virtual, talk, 1/2021, Abstract
- Othayoth R, Strebel B, Fancois E, *Li C, Studying insects traversing large obstacles using a novel treadmill, Entomology Society of America Annual Meeting, virtual, poster, 11/2020, Abstract
- Othayoth R, Thoms G, *Li C, An energy landscape approach to legged locomotion through large obstacles, DW, virtual, talk, 5/2020, Abstract
- Othayoth R, Xuan Q, *Li C, Kinetic energy fluctuation helps animals and robots self-right on the ground, DW, virtual, poster, 5/2020, Abstract
- Wang Y, Othayoth R, *Li C, Head and leg adjustments help insects and legged robots traverse cluttered, large obstacles, DW, virtual, poster, 5/2020, Abstract
- Xuan Q, *Li C, The importance of appendage coordination during leg-assisted, winged self-righting, DW, virtual, poster, 5/2020, Abstract
- Fu Q, Gart SW, Mitchel TW, Kim JS, Chirikjian GS, *Li C, Stability benefits of body undulation and compliance for snakes and snake robots traversing large, smooth obstacles, DW, virtual, poster, 5/2020, Abstract
- Han Y, Wang Y, Hsu C-C, de la Tijera Obert R, Fancois E, Othayoth R, *Li C, Body shape modulates obstacle attraction and repulsion during dynamic legged locomotion, DW, virtual, poster, 5/2020, Abstract
- Othayoth R, Thoms G, *Li C, Robots and animals transition from less to more favorable modes to traverse obstacles, APS, virtual, talk, 3/2020, Abstract
- Xuan Q, *Li C, A template model reveals self-righting mechanism of a winged robot, APS, virtual, talk, 3/2020, Abstract
- Wang Y, Othayoth R, *Li C, Active adjustments help cockroaches traverse obstacles by lowing potential energy barrier, APS, virtual, talk, 3/2020, Abstract
- Fu Q, *Li C, Body compliance helps oscillating snake robots reduce roll instability to traverse large steps, APS, virtual, talk, 3/2020, Abstract
- Othayoth R, Thoms G, *Li C, Animals and robots transition from more challenging to easier locomotor modes to traverse obstacles, SICB, Austin, TX, talk, 1/2020, Abstract
- Xuan Q, *Li C, Template model reveals mechanism of wing and leg coordination during self-righting of a cockroach-inspired robot, SICB, Austin, TX, talk, 1/2020, Abstract
- Wang Y, Othayoth R, *Li C, Cockroaches bend head and use legs differentially to traverse grass-like beam obstacles, SICB, Austin, TX, talk, 1/2020, Abstract
- Fu Q, Gart SW, Mitchel TW, Kim JS, Chirikjian GS, *Li C, Body lateral deformation and compliance help snakes and snake robots stably traverse large steps, SICB, Austin, TX, talk, 1/2020, Abstract
- Othayoth R, Thoms G, *Li C, Physics of animal and robot locomotor transitions in complex terrain, APS, Boston, MA, talk, 3/2019, Abstract
- Xuan Q, Othayoth R, *Li C, Randomness in appendage oscillations helps a robot self-right, APS, Boston, MA, talk, 3/2019, Abstract
- Wang Y, Othayoth R, *Li C, Importance of body and leg adjustment for traversing cluttered terrain, APS, Boston, MA, talk, 3/2019, Abstract
- Fu Q, *Li C, Body compliance helps snake robots traverse large steps, APS, Boston, MA, talk, 3/2019, Abstract
- Othayoth R, Thoms G, *Li C, Animals and robots vibrate to explore locomotion energy landscapes to make locomotor transitions, SICB, Tampa, FL, talk, 1/2019, Abstract
- Xuan Q, Othayoth R, *Li C, In silico experiments reveal the importance of randomness of motions in cockroach’s winged self-righting, SICB, Tampa, FL, talk, 1/2019, Abstract
- Gart SW, Fu Q, Mitchel TW, *Li C, Snakes partition their body to traverse large steps and inspire a snake robot, SICB, Tampa, FL, talk, 1/2019, Abstract
- Fu Q, *Li C, Body compliance helps snakes traverse large step obstacles, SICB, Tampa, FL, talk, 1/2019, Abstract
- Fu Q, Gart SW, Mitchel TW, *Li C, A novel, adaptive, partitioned gait of biological snakes helps snake robots traverse a large step, RSS, Pittsburgh, PA, poster, 6/2018, Abstract
- Han Y, Wang Y, *Li C, Locomotion energy landscape guides the design of legged robot gait for traversing large obstacles, RSS, Pittsburgh, PA, poster, 6/2018, Abstract
- Gart SW, Yan C, Othayoth R, Ren Z, *Li C, Active tail helps legged robots dynamically traverse large gap and bump obstacles, RSS, Pittsburgh, PA, poster, 6/2018, Abstract
- Mitchel TW, Xuan Q, Kim JS, Chirikjian GS, *Li C, A novel 3-D full body model of snake locomotion in complex 3-D terrains, APS, Los Angeles, CA, talk, 3/2018, Abstract
- Othayoth R, *Li C, Insects change locomotion modes to traverse 3-D obstacles with varied potential energy barriers, APS, Los Angeles, CA, talk, 3/2018, Abstract
- Ren Z, Othayoth R, *Li C, Legged robots change locomotor modes to traverse 3-D obstacles with varied stiffness, APS, Los Angeles, CA, talk, 3/2018, Abstract
- Fu Q, Mitchel TW, Yi N, Gart SW, *Li C, Snake robot’s poor 3-D obstacle traversal reveals snake’s better stability mechanisms, APS, Los Angeles, CA, talk, 3/2018, Abstract
- Mitchel TW, Gart SW, Kim JS, Chirikjian GS, *Li C, Snakes traversing large step obstacles: kinematics and mechanics, SICB, San Francisco, CA, talk, 3/2018, Abstract
- Gart SW, Mitchel TW, *Li C, Snakes traversing large step obstacles: behavior, gait, and performance, SICB, San Francisco, CA, talk, 3/2018, Abstract
- Othayoth R, *Li C, Cockroaches change locomotor modes to traverse beam obstacles of varied stiffness, SICB, San Francisco, CA, talk, 1/2018, Abstract
- Han Y, *Li C, Cockroach and robot locomotion reveals the need to integrate sensory feedback with body mechanics to traverse complex 3-D terrains, SICB, San Francisco, CA, talk, 1/2018, Abstract
- Strebel B, Han Y, *Li C, A novel terrain treadmill to study animal locomotion in complex 3-D terrains, SICB, San Francisco, CA, talk, 1/2018, Abstract
- Thoms G, *Li C, Body vibrations induced by legged locomotion help traverse complex 3-D obstacles, SICB, San Francisco, CA, talk, 1/2018, Abstract
- Gart SW, Winey N, de la Tijera Obert R, *Li C, Dynamic traversal of high bumps and large gaps by a small legged robot, APS, New Orleans, LA, talk, 3/2017, Abstract
- Othayoth R, Xuan Q, *Li C, Induced vibrations increase performance of a winged self-righting robot, APS, New Orleans, LA, talk, 3/2017, Abstract
- Han Y, Wang Z, *Li C, Body shape helps legged robots climb and turn in complex 3-D terrains, APS, New Orleans, LA, talk, 3/2017, Abstract
- Thoms G, Yu S, Kang Y, *Li C, Induced vibrations facilitate traversal of cluttered obstacles, APS, New Orleans, LA, talk, 3/2017, Abstract
- Gart SW, *Li C, Dynamic traversal of large gaps and high bumps by cockroaches, SICB, New Orleans, LA, talk, 1/2017, Abstract
- Othayoth R, Xuan Q, *Li C, Leg vibrations help cockroaches self-right using wings, SICB, New Orleans, LA, talk, 1/2017, Abstract
- Han Y, Luo Y, Bi J, *Li C, Body shape affects yaw and pitch motions of insects traversing complex 3-D terrains, SICB, New Orleans, LA, talk, 1/2017, Abstract
––Before JHU––
- *Li C, Fearing RS, Full RJ, Obstacle traversal and self-righting of bio-inspired robots reveal the physics of multi-modal locomotion, APS, Baltimore, MD, talk, 3/2016, Abstract
- *Li C, Tian R, Porter W, Hammond Z, Strachan-Olson D, Kooker AW, Olivas J, Kessens CC, Jayaram K, Fearing RS, Full RJ, Cockroach-inspired self-righting robots, SICB, Portland, OR, poster, 1/2016, Abstract
- *Li C, Wöhrl T, Lam HK, Full RJ, Self-righting behavior of cockroaches, APS, San Antonio, TX, talk, 3/2015, Abstract
- *Li C, Wöhrl T, Lam HK, Full, RJ, Fast, flipping cockroaches: dynamic, self-righting behavior, SICB, West Palm Beach, FL, talk, 1/2015, Abstract
- *Li C, Pullin AO, Haldane DW, Fearing RS, Full RJ, Shape-assisted body reorientation enhances trafficability through cluttered terrain, DFD, San Francisco, CA, talk, 11/2014, Abstract
- *Li C, Fearing RS, Full RJ, Insects traversing grass-like vertical compliant beams, APS, Denver, CO, talk, 3/2014, Abstract
- *Li C, Full RJ, Insects traversing grass-like vertical compliant beams, SICB, Austin, TX, talk, 1/2014, Abstract
- Li C, Zhang T, Goldman DI, A terradynamics of legged locomotion on granular media, APS, Baltimore, MD, talk, 3/2013, Abstract
- Li C, Hsieh ST, Umbanhowar PB, Goldman DI, Rapid locomotion of a small lizard on sand requires fluid-like ground reaction forces, SICB, San Francisco, CA, talk, 1/2013, Abstract
- Zhang T, Li C, Goldman DI, Using terradynamics to understand the role of limb morphology in legged locomotion on granular media, SICB, San Francisco, CA, talk, 1/2013, Abstract
- Zhang T, Li C, Goldman DI, A resistive force model for complex intrusion in granular media, Society of Engineering Science 50th Annual Technical Meeting, Providence, RI, talk, 7/2013, Abstract
- Zhang T, Li C, Goldman DI, Resistive force theory predicts locomotion of a legged robot on granular media, ASA, CSSA, & SSSA International Annual Meetings, Tampa, FL, talk, Abstract
- Li C, Hsieh ST, Umbanhowar PB, Goldman, DI, Impact and intrusion of the foot of a lizard running rapidly on sand, DFD, San Diego, CA, talk, 11/2012, Abstract
- Zhang T, Li C, Goldman DI, A resistive force model for complex intrusion in granular media, DFD, San Diego, CA, talk, 11/2012, Abstract
- Qian F, Li C, Umbanhowar PB, Goldman DI, Robot locomotion on weak ground, DFD, San Diego, CA, talk, 11/2012, Abstract
- Li C, Goldman DI, Towards a terramechanics for legged locomotion on granular media, SICB, Charleston, NC, talk, 1/2012, Abstract
- Qian F, Zhang T, Li C, Shen J, Hoover AM, Birkmeyer P, Pullin A, Fearing RS, Goldman DI, Masarati P, Legged locomotion of a bio-inspired lightweight robot on granular media, SICB, Charleston, SC, talk, 1/2012, Abstract
- Zhang T, Qian F, Shen J, Li C, Hoover AM, Birkmeyer P, Fearing RS, Goldman DI, Lightweight robot locomotion on granular media, DFD, Baltimore, MD, talk, 11/2011, Abstract
- Li C, Hsieh ST, Umbanhowar PB, Goldman DI, Multi-functional use of the elongate hind foot of the zebra-tailed lizard during running on different substrates, American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, poster, 8/2011, Abstract
- Li C, Lau LK, Hsieh ST, Umbanhowar PB, Goldman DI, The effect of substrate properties on hind foot use during locomotion of the zebra-tailed lizard, SICB, Salt Lake City, UT, talk, 1/2011, Abstract
- Li C, Ding Y, Umbanhowar PB, Goldman DI, Force generation during rotational intrusion into granular media, APS, Long Beach, CA, talk, 3/2010, Abstract
- Li C, Umbahnowar PB, Goldman DI, The effects of limb kinematics on the motion of a legged robot on sand, SICB, Seattle, WA, talk, 1/2010, Abstract
- Li C, Umbanhowar PB, Komsuoglu H, Koditschek DE, Goldman DI, Legged locomotion on sand, APS Southeastern Section Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, talk, 11/2009, Abstract
- Ding Y, Maladen RD, Li C, Goldman DI, Resistive force theory for sand swimming, APS Southeastern Section Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, talk, 11/2009, Abstract
- Goldman DI, Maladen RD, Li C, Ding Y, Undulatory swimming of a sandfish lizard in granular media, APS, Pittsburgh, PA, poster, 3/2009, Abstract
- Li C, Umbanhowar PB, Komsuoglu H, Koditschek DE, Goldman DI, Enhancement of legged robot speed on granular media using kinematics which promote solidification, SICB, Boston, MA, talk, 1/2009, Abstract
- Li C, Umbanhowar PB, Goldman DI, an air fluidized bed to control granular media for studying animal locomotion, Gordon Research Conference Granular & Granular-Fluid Flow, Waterville, ME, poster, 6/2008