Qihan Xuan, Ratan Othayoth, Chen Li, Qiyuan Fu, Yaqing Wang
- Othayoth R, Thoms G, *Li C (2020), Animals and robots transition from more challenging to easier locomotor modes to traverse obstacles, Integrative and Comparative Biology 60 Abstract
- Xuan Q, *Li C (2020), Template model reveals mechanism of wing and leg coordination during self-righting of a cockroach-inspired robot, Integrative and Comparative Biology 60 Abstract
- Wang Y, Othayoth R, *Li C (2020), Cockroaches bend head and use legs differentially to traverse grass-like beam obstacles, Integrative and Comparative Biology 60 Abstract
- Fu Q, Gart SW, Mitchel TW, Kim JS, Chirikjian GS, *Li C (2020), Body lateral deformation and compliance help snakes and snake robots stably traverse large steps, Integrative and Comparative Biology 60 Abstract